Drink Garnish: Lil Orange Sun

>>  11/29/2010

You have probably noticed my love to oranges and yellow colour. Today we have oranges on market all the year round. When I was a child we had oranges imported by the new year holidays only. So I think, unconsciously I have got a mind connection "orange - holiday". Since I learned the art of food presentation I am able to provide a holiday all the year round. This thought came to my mind right now...

Ok, let's leave the psychoanalysis behind and go back to oranges :)

 I have found these pictures of orange decorations inspecting my files. I made them for my class presentation on drink garnishing. There is garnish cut out of orange skin (call it Sunny orange garnish). For ice cubes I used a silicone mold in a shape of dolphins

Related posts:

Banana Dollar Garnish (New Year Garnish)
Drink Garnish With Apple
Valentain's Drink Garnish

November Picks and Findings

>>  11/27/2010

This month I met some interesting bloggers what write about food and food decorations. I enjoy reading them and hope you will do. 

Garnish food blogs:

A mouse on the table  by Rosemary. After watching Rosemary' video instructions you will be tempted by food art.
Cute Food For Kids by Tiffany Yang. If you have kids don't miss the blog. To stay fully armed visit Little Food Junction by Smita.
Culinary Carving and Decorations by Elena Malec. Find out sweet food garnishes with banana, apple and plums.
Edith Zimmerman blog  and her special vision for food

Food and Recipe blogs:

San's Blessed Moments by Hooi San, a food photgrapher and cook lover. I like his appetiser.

Weddings blogs:

Party's Deco de fred about weddings and table decorations. Be sure to check the wedding related webpage catalogue

Christmas and New Year Fruit and Veggy Centerpieces

>>  11/23/2010

Christmas food ideas

More Christmas projects with fruits and vegetables:

Flashing new year tree, snownan and its girlfriend, Christmas star and little basket with candy all of them are made of fruit and vegetables. All of these Christmas edible crafts were created to perfom a mission Making You Smile. 

Hey, Santa Claus is back in town 

New Year tree from a radish with jelly candy as lights

Mandarin/orange and radish are used for the Christmas Star garnish

Basket from an orange filled with jelly candy

Fruit Snowman and its girlfriend made of apples.

The present post about X-mas edible crafts is participating in the Artsy-Craftsy-December-2010 Challenge

Cinderella Pumpkin Carriage. The Fruit Princess Story. Fruit Carving For Kids

>>  11/21/2010

More fruit and vegetable carving project:

 Fruit carving arrangement for kids

edible food crafts with kids

This is a fairy tale about the Fruit Princess and her kingdom all made from fruits and vegetables. In this fruit carving arrangement you find the beloved characters like Prince and pumpkin carriage. This is not the exact story about Cinderella, and the pumpkin carriage is actually a melon carriage. And yes, I let children play this it. Let them make up thier own story about the princess.

Exploring the details. What is it made from?

White horse and pumpkin carriage. 
I used a sweet melon to make the carriage. Horse is carved out of a huge white radish (aka daikon or horse radish)

Horse with ornament made from vegetables.

The Fruit Princess is awaiting for the prince in her castle. 
Prince and princess are made of apples, cucumber and carrot.

In my veiw Christmas is the best time for the fairy fruit&vegetable project. Tell your kids a story about the Fruit Princess, a white casstle and a pumpkin carriage.

Fruit Carving Arrangements at CityMall Trading Center Anniversary

>>  11/17/2010

CityMall is the biggest trading center on the Far East of Russia with the location in Yuzhno Sakhalinsk city. On the 13th of November there were 1 year since the center opening. In honor of this significant date many recreative activities have been taken that day. One of them was the culinary show with culinary quize games, fruit carving displays exibition and carving class for kids.

CityMall logo made from candies, watermelon with IgraMIX playground logo and cute fruit animals.
At the carving class I have shown how to make a bear from orange and a rabbit from a green apple.
At the end of the day the rabbit has got his marmalade ear bitten off.

Carved watermelon with Happy Birthday inscription. Bouquet from fresh vegetables.

Fruit cake display

Fruit carving arrangements awaiting for the first visitors

Yellow candy bouquet to birthday

November Candy Bouquets

>>  11/14/2010

More reviews from the blog:

A review of the websites about making candy bouquets is availabale on the Candy Bouquets page

New candy arrangements are coming up for sale. I have desided them as Christmas candy gifts.

Confetti blue & yellow candy bouquet

Candy bouquet with roses and candles imitation. I used semicones to pack long chocolates. Orange candies are wrapped into crepe paper.

Christmas candy bouquet

How To Garnish Plate. Part 2

>>  11/11/2010

Read more articles concerning making vegetable garnishes:

In Part 1 of plate garnishing ideas I have shown how to decorate a plate with vegetable centerpieces  like garnish from lemon, cucumber and radish.

In this part I am going to describe how to make decoration from tomato and olives.

Plate #3. Olive net and tomato crab

Cut olives in rings and then cut them in halves. Compose a net from the olive halves. It can be  intricate work )) Tomato crab is one of the Mukimono techniques

Plate #4. Olives and leek crosses

Cut olive rings and place them on the plate border. Set a cranberry inside the ring. Compose crosses from thin leek. You are done.

P.S.: Today one more nice crab  was created from croissant.

Soap Carving. Making presents for friends

>>  11/10/2010

More blog posts about soap carving:

I have cut these soaps for my friends from Riga, Latvia and for my ikebana sensei. Pictures of the soaps are marked with vkusnoeda.com another website of mine about the art of fruit carving and vegetable garnishing.

I am going to produce more pieces in order to include them in the bathing sets for Christmas and New Year.

The Fruit Snowman - Do It Yourself (DIY). Christmas Apple Garnish

>>  11/08/2010

Christmas Apple Garnish - Fruit Snowman

What do you do when your children are asking for a miracle from you?  Do you show a focus or call for Santa?

Here I tell how to make a little miracle with Christmas food.

Fruit Snowman is my favorite Christmas decoration. It's cute and I love it so much. It's a 15 minutes business. Watch how to do the Christmas garnish having a pair of apples.

2 apples,
1 carrot,
2 bell pepper for the eyes,
cloves for the month,
orange/lemon for a hat,

Fruit Snowman how-to video:

Money Totem - Apple Garnish

>>  11/07/2010

I've got my own Money Totem.

This apple decoration in a shape of the world curency signs euro, yen and dollar is getting popular among my clients espessialy men ask me for making this money totem carved from apple.

First time the money apple garnish appeared in a party dedicated to testing new alcohol drinks. The money totem greeted guests shining its banana dollars. By the way I use the banana dollar decoration for drink garnishing.

To get more ideas about making garnishes from apples search my blog for "apple decorations". 

Money Totem from apples at 30 years old birthday party. With its friends watermelon vase and pumpkin lights.

Read more about Fruit Carving art:
How To Make Edible Butterfly From A Radish
How To Carve Heart and Butterfly Pattern On Apple
How To Garnish Picnic Food

Peacock From a Melon

>>  11/04/2010

This lesson was made for my carving class.

To make a peacock like this one you take a melon, some grapes and an orange. A regular knive is the only tool you need for carving it.

Scratch a melon in a shape of your bird and cut it out.

Make feathers with a bamboo skewer and some grapes and orange slice. Insert feathers into the melon to complete a peacock train.

Set your bird in a garden. Make flowers from a pepper and callas from cabbage.

This post about the Melon Peacock is participating in the Artsy-Craftsy-December-2010 Challenge

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