Great Updates: A Personal Exhibition, Fruit Carving Tutorial and Shopping Time

>>  8/20/2014

What is new in the studio?

I am proud to announce that I am scheduled for a personal exhibition at Sakhalin Art Museum in December 2014 - January 2015. I will present soap carving art works and fruit carving displays. I team up with my friend who is a painter and a craftwoman to do installations involving her paintings and crafts, my ikebana skills and our vision for art.


The other great news, I have written a book.

This is a tutorial on making fruit carving models and displays for children. This book is a collection of my best selling fruit ideas invented for Baby Showers and children's birthdays, and it covers 3 year creative work experience of mine. There are lot of step-by-step pictures and detailed comments about the process in the tutorial.
The English text was fine-tuned by my friend Kathleen Richardson from Corning New York, USA, so reading the book will bring you a pleasure.
Buy this book in the Shop page.


Visit my Etsy Shop for cute post cards based on my fruit carving displays and paintings. You can use the cards as invitations to Baby Shower or a party. You will find Halloween cards, Valentine's cards and simply cute cards in the shop. The cards can be framed and used as a decoration.

One of my favorite post cards is "Let's Hang Out" card with two animals at disco. The card looks good in both rotations, regular and turned upside down.

disco post card
Regular rotation of the card


Wedding Watermelon Carving Design With Cupids And Hearts

>>  8/12/2014

wedding watermelon carving
Cupids play with hearts

Hello everyone!

I am back to blogging and really happy to have you visit my webpage. Work and life kept me away from the Net. Sometime things were hard and seemed wrong so it made me think something should be changed. I needed time to obtain a balance.
So now, things seem improving and I have great news which I share in my next post.

I send to all of you a heart greeting. The attached photo is my latest watermelon carving made for a wedding in July. The playful cupids care for Love in our Hearts.

event decoration with fruits
Wedding decoration with fruits


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