Fruit Cakes

>>  4/29/2013

Dear friends,

I am back to blogging after vacation. I took a rest to gain power before "watermelon season'" will start. I hope to have lot of job in May and after.

No watermelons do not mean no clients. Fruit towers and fruit cake displays are great ideas for fruit business. By the way, if you want to start fruit carving business, here is a book about that.

Fruit cake displays, pictures from my clients
all fruit cakes are mine, made in April 2013

how to decorate fruit and sweet buffet
10 years birthday party

fruit carving business
fruit cake for the lady's birthday

Fruit cakes in details
(click picture for bigger size)

fruit carving tower
fruit cake with vegetable flowers for the top decoration

fruit carving ideas
small fruit cake 

Other ideas of fruit displays for 'no-watermelon' season:

Tasty Query - recipes search engine

Food Communities

Carving on Foodista Half Hour Meals All recipes are on Petitchef All Cooking Sites

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