
How To Make A Turtle Of Apple, Melon and Watermelon

I got a lot of responses on how to make a turtle of fruits the same that I did one from watermelon for the Beach wedding.

I prepared a tutorial to show how to make the turtle and explained the method in an apple. This method works for making a turtle of watermelon, melon, pumpkin and other materials.

How To Carve A Turtle Of Apple

You will need:
1 apple,
nectarine or other apple for its head and legs

thai knife

Step instruction:

1. Cut the apple in halves. We will make two cute turtles.

2. With thai knife carve 3 cells at the central line.

3. Add cells around.

4. Carve small swirls in each cell.

5. Slice nectarine for legs and do a head. Place your turtle on a plate.

REMEMBER to treat your carving with lemon water to prevent it from browning!

how to carve turtle out of apple
How to carve apple turtle with swirls pattern

Let's decorate the second turtle with small stars! You will need V-knife for it.

Step instruction:

Repeat steps 1-3 from the first instruction.

Carve stars in each cell with V-shape knife.

how to carve turtle out of apple
Use V-knife from your carving tool set to do the cute stars in the apple turtle

You are done! Again, you can do this turtle in melon and watermelon too. 

Do not forget to apply lemon juice to your carving when you work with apples. Read the article 'How To Carve Apples And Prevent Them From Browning' to safe carved apples for a long period of time.

If you get used to lemon juice use a special cirtus sprayer device. It's perfect to sprinkle lemon juice to salads and dishes.I use the citrus sprayer for a quick carving. 

how to prevent apples from getting dark
Cut a lemon and screw the sprayer in

citrus sprayer for apple carving
Now you can spray your apple carving or use it for cooking

Here are my turtles made of apples,kiwi, melon and watermelon

how to make turtle of apple
Apple Turtles
how to make turtle of kiwi
Kiwi turtle

how to make turtle of melon
Melon turtle 

how to make turtle of watermelon
Watermelon turtle

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  1. These are AWESOME !!
    You are sooooo talented

  2. Winnie, you are so kind to me, thanks :)

  3. They are soooo cute u made them look so easy to make and am gonna try and post them in my blog:)
