
Lazy Pelmenys. Russian Food Recipe

The 1st of May was a holiday in Russia. I took my time to make a photo recipe. I recalled the recipe after reading Veggie Cheese Roll-ups at Kathleen's blog Step by Step in the kitchen. 
The recipe I'd like to share is a quick edition of the famous russian Pelmeny called Lazy Pelmeny.

I am not skilled in making a dough. But this time I succeed it to my surprise. 

For dough you need:
2 cup of flour,
1 egg,
1/2 cup of water 

Volcano :)

I am mixing the dough and it seems to me a pleasant work :))

Prepare meat mince, add garlic and spices
Flat the dough

Spread the mince on the dough flat

Roll it up and cut into small parts

Add a sauce (water, mayonnaise, paprika or any spice)

Bake it for 30-40 minutes
Eat pelmenys with a mustard, pickles and sour cream. I love them with japanese vinegar gignger.

In March I hosted Flavour of Russia Event in my blog. Check it up and have a happy cooking!


  1. Hi Selena, These Russian Pelmeny looks delicious! I always wanted to learn more about Russian cooking & these is a perfect start! Love your step by step photo recipe! Awesome! I will try this recipe soon, promise! Have a lovely day, Selena! :)

  2. Selena, I guess what you call minced meat is our ground beef (or pork). Ground beef is extremely popular in the United States. I'll be trying out this recipe because it is so simple (the photos made sure of that!). What, no fruit to garnish this lovely dish!!

  3. I love to learn about other cultures and especially food. These look yummy so thanks!

  4. Yummy! Russian Pelmeny looks perfectly delicious. I think it will look more presentable if you shaped it like a dumpling, but anyway, it looks gorgeous just the way it is. Great dish!

  5. Hamish, you are right the rolled pelmenys are not presentable like the small dumplings but they taste the same.

    Kathleen, thanks for letting me know that. Ground beef is popular in Russia too.

    Kit, I am looking forward to seeing Pelmeny recipe from France!

    CJ, thanks for reading!!

  6. Selena, I just posted another blog entry and it includes a mention and a link to your Lazy Pelmenys... http://stepbystepinthekitchen.blogspot.com/2012/05/cooking-for-carnivores.html

  7. Great post shared here on "Russian Food Recipe"..i am looking for different of kind and different countries food recipes. from here i got Russian Food Recipe..:-)
    Thanks for sharing this one and keep posting such post here in future too.
    Can you share some information on food presentation..??
