
'The King Of Smiles' Fruit Arrangement For Kids

The "King Of Smiles" pumpkin lantern makes a great garnish for a fruit arrangement for kids.

The pumpkin emojicon sculpture was created for a teenager boy and was sent to the birthday gathering on behalf of his loving mom. Usually moms are not the wanted persons on the teenager parties, you know ).

I say his mom was a really, really loving mom because she agreed with the my vision for the fruit gift and allowed me to make a lantern out of the pumpkin and to place it in the fruit platter.
So the kids could light the lantern in the evening and have a cool thing to play and fool around in darkness (mean have cool pictures with the pumpkin emojicon).

This is how the "King Of Smiles" has arised in the world. Almost every fruit display of mine has a background story.

Enjoy fruit carving and be free in creating and proposing your vision for fruits!

The King Of Smiles Forever!

1 comment:

  1. Ciao Selena, sempre belle le tue composizioni,
    Un grosso saluto!!!
